Saturday, April 22, 2006

my first post.. yey ^o^

Hi there..
akhirnya, abis dibujuk-bujukin sama rere, jj, plus ased.. i finally made my own blog.. big applaus for me pliss (halah geje..)

actually,, don't really knoe wat to sae..
my purpose to do this blog-thing is just,, i wanna share my life in this little box... bcoz sometimes i couldn't keep it on my own.. hehehe,,

today,, i learn a lot.. we finally made it,, smukies choir akhirnya menang,, number one champion boo.. walopun masi banyak tiny2 mistakes which finally doesn't called tiny anymore,, we proved that we were better than the others,, hepihepi.. practise makes perfect, guys.. so much too do before we have to go to itb,, it ain't over till it's over, fella.. keep it up!! yey.. (uda mulai ga jelas)

what's more? akhirnya teori yang mengatakan kalu "life depends on human's thought itself.." ternyata sangat benar skali... masi inget kata2 icha rachmanti dalam novel cintapucino "prepare for the worst and hope for the best" ? yup,, 2 quotes tersebut are nearly connected in each way..

sometimes if we thought about the bad one, (even it's just to prepare).. eh,, it happenned loh.. justru krn kita uda sering prepare buat yang the worst dengan sengaja, pas itu terjadi kita hanya akan smakin kaget dengan persiapan kita dan smakin berfikir "what a cruel world, we don't even have any faith to hope for the good things.. from now on, prepare for the worst, no need to hope,, blahblahblah" ..

pada saat mikir yang terlalu bagussss,,, eh,, tau2 ga kejadian.. ya,, lil bit disappointed seh.. well, for time being,, that thing always happenned within my harsh life..

jadi,, yang bener tuh gimana sih?

by process,, gw menyadari,, in fact, as a human being,, we have our basic-instinct.. klo ada yg bilang.. "percayalah pada hatimu" (dangdut bgt dah) well.. that's true..
apa yang membuat kita prepare for the worst hanyalah rasa takut kita,, takut sakit hati, dilukai, ditolak, dsb... bcoz it hurts so bad when u don't have what u want to have.. but in life, we do have to hope.. but we just have to remember that day-dreaming things are not always able to be true..

percaya deh sama basic-instinct kita.. memang ga 100% betul, karena namanya jg manusia,, pasti ga ada yg sempurna.. tapi hidup kita itu pilihan,, mau dibawa kmana, dijadiin apa.. (with God's will too, tough)

if we think we're gonna make it happen, then we do..
but if we think we can't, then.. goodbye , fella.. hoho..

just keep your basic instinct stays in your deepest place from your heart,
soalnya banyak bgt hal2 yang bs ngebuat kita ngrasa, " kayanya gak gini de, apa feeling gw salah ya?" hehehe.. well, just let that go.. it'll come to you by chance (apa yang slama ini lo harapkan bakal terjadi) kan uda punya basic-instinct,, sengganya kita punya pegangan yang cukaup terjamin dalam idup ini..

Things suddenly came when we least-expected.. Jadi ngarepnya jangan banyak2 amat.. kan kaya surprise gtu ( well, i don't like that, though.. makanya gue bilang basic instinctnya bner2 hanya ditaro di tempat yang paling dalem aja alias jadi dasar.. soalnya ngarep lama2 dengan basic-instinct all written in your forehead juga capek ya.. bisa gila kali.. hehehe

gak jelas jg nih post kali ini..
pada ga ngerti ya? well,, gw jg bingung kok.. (halah)
cm pengen share aja.. hoho.. c u around, guys.. ^o^


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